I was born on 7th December 1992 in Frankfurt am Main.
My parents are imigrants from poland and worked hard for a living. In 1994 they built a house in Dietzenbach where I grew up having a beautiful childhood.

the bad times

When I came back from rehab I wanted to finish high school. Unfortunatly my body had a different opinion. My skull bones got infected and in an blink of an eye I layed on an surgery table again, getting my very own plastic skull ceiling. Yes, it is pretty stable


On 23rd September 2010 I had an accident which I only just survived. I sufferd serious wounds all over my body, had plenty of surgerys, 3 weeks of coma and 1 year of rehab. I call that day my second birthday.

Warning explicit content tap to sharpen

Today you wouldn’t even recognize.


After these hard times i moved to cologne. I should say to learn audio engineering at DeutschePOP Academy, because thats what I (also) did, but honestly I just wanted to be on my own, with no one worrying about me.
I had a great time with great people, but I’m just rather a Mispelchen than a Kölsch. So I stopped audio engineering in cologne and started event management diploma in Frankfurt, which I succesfully finished.


the good times

Back in Frankfurt I got to know my former Partner Dennis, with whom I hosted dance music events in several clubs and off-locations around the city. One Day we had an event at Elfer Club and the owners asked us if we want to take over the business. And so, there I was. Tim, 23 years old, night club owner. I wish I could talk to him…


sense. love. happiness.

Luckily there was Jessy, my girlfriend, today wife and mother of my little son. She supported me in every direction and therefore correctly told me to stop working at night and to start building my future. And so did I. 
I started to work as a employed technician, moved to a bigger flat, watered my plants… 
On 26th January 2019 my son Henri came to my life which from there on replaced the accident as the biggest event affecting my life.
I found sense, love and never ending motivation. He gave me the strength to leave everything behind and move forward.
So I quit my job and started my vocational training at Deelight,
willing to be the father my son deserves.



My Life really was like that metaphoric rollercoaster. Sometimes people ask how all those experiences fit into the life of a 28 years young man. But afterall, I gained more then I lost. I decided to give you a closer look into my privacy than you may expect from an applicant, because thats the way I am.

No Abitur but totally settled

No graduation but 100% passion and power of will

physically disabled but stronger than ever before

When Damian told me about your company and that I would perfectly fit in,  I did some research and came to the conclusion:
Yes, this could be my voccational home.
It has to be.